School Lunch


150 grams

lemon zest

30 grams

orange zest

30 grams

chamomile tea

250 ml

lemon juice

250 ml

orange juice

300 ml

noilly prat

150 ml

amontillado sherry

50 ml

Aviation Gin

500 ml

whole milk

300 ml

favorite color

1 ml

chamomile tea

-25 grams tea per 1000ml cold water

-steep 15 minutes

milk punch method

-allow orange and lemon zest and sugar to macerate for 30 minutes.

-add tea, juices, Aviation Gin, and other ingredients EXCEPT milk.

-heat milk in large saucepan

-remove milk from heat before it comes to a boil and add mixture into milk (do not mix or stir)

-allow to sit for 15 minutes

-strain through coffee filter and bottle with 1 drop food coloring